How to Communicate with a Kitchen Remodel Contractor

Having a bright and vibrant kitchen is part of a homeowner’s dream. Whether building, upgrading, or revamping the living space, a kitchen remodel is often called for. When undertaking a kitchen remodel in or near Utica, it is important to hire a reliable and professional contractor.A contractor to do remodeling work needs to be trusted. Often, finding someone through word of mouth referrals by asking around the neighborhood or amongst family and friends can be a good starting point. Otherwise, thoroughly researching their professional credentials and looking for written testimonials and feedback can help inform if a contractor is going to be right for the job.Once a contractor has been found and a good agreement secured, it is important to outline clear expectations about the remodel project. The first thing is to establish realistic expectations about a timeline and schedule. The homeowner ultimately has control over the remodeling timeframe, but it is important to understand the needs of the contractor and the role they play. For instance, if a homeowner delays decisions and take a while to make up their mind about something, it can throw off the timeline significantly at no fault of the contractor. Being flexible and accommodating with things like this is vital to bear in mind.Having an open discussion ahead of time as to what the homeowner can do to prevent delays can help. For instance, the contractor might request that all appliances, such as a sink and faucet, are ordered and delivered by a certain date. This is something the homeowner can do easily to make sure the contractor’s work isn’t delayed.Discussing other things such as dust and debris control is important. This can avoid arguments and disputes later on. For instance, will it be the responsibility of the contractor or the homeowner to safeguard the rest of the house against dust? What equipment can be used to do this? How will debris be removed? The contractor may have space to remove this or maybe not. The homeowner might need to order a dumpster. Establish these things early on for a smoother remodeling process.Another important thing to discuss is what hours the crew can come to the house and where they can work. Is there someone they can use as a staging area to prepare certain things? Or should they expect to work on the street from their trucks? Is there ample parking space and if not, what can be done to resolve this? The homeowner also needs to be clear about what hours they can come, if someone will be home or not, and how they are going to allow the workers into the home, such as leaving a key in a plant or under a doormat.


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