Should You Replace Your Appliances During Your Next Kitchen Remodel?

Female Hands Framing Custom Kitchen Design Drawing and Photo ComKitchen remodels can change the entire look of your house, and a kitchen is a make or break selling point if you ever list. However, they are also one of those projects with costs that can quickly add up. This often puts homeowners in a pickle when deciding whether or not to replace their appliances since they need a countertop, but not necessarily a brand new microwave. Here, we’re breaking down whether or not you really need to replace all your appliances during your remodel to, hopefully, make the decision a little bit easier for you. The DishwasherUnless you are single, living in a one-bedroom apartment, and eat out for nearly every meal, upgrade your dishwasher. For most families, a good dishwasher is a must-have. From custom wash settings like express or steam clean to special racks for wine glasses, newer dishwashers have plenty of attractive bells and whistles. If you replace other appliances, then replacing the dishwasher will be a must-do (just to keep aesthetic uniformity). The Fridge Another must-replace appliance is the fridge, especially if you still have a standard small white fridge from the 1990s. Your family size and lifestyle will largely dictate what you need in a new fridge, but there is no shortage of options. One of the most popular styles is having a freezer drawer, rather than door, but the dual fridge and freezer doors with built in water and ice dispensers are also still incredibly popular. Make sure whatever finish you get matches your other large appliances. The Stove and Oven If you are designing your dream kitchen, absolutely, spring for a new stove and oven whether you have a separate cooktop and oven or a single unit. If you currently have an electric unit, you will want to check that you can run gas, if you are interested in upgrading to a gas stove. Newer stove models also offer griddle space and additional burners. Plus, if you have the room, you might want to do one regular oven and one convection oven (if they are wall units). The MicrowaveIf you have a built-in microwave and it looks alright, you might put off getting a new one. However, if your current microwave sits on the counter and doesn’t match your other appliances, consider including a built-in microwave in your kitchen remodel. This can give your kitchen a modern, cohesive feel which is important if you are thinking of listing your home anytime soon. A Wine Fridge If you love wine, then you might spring for a wine fridge. This can also be an attractive feature, if you are updating your house or condo to sell. If you are on a budget, however, leave this one off the list. Ultimately, if you decide to replace one big appliance during your remodel, then you’ll want to plan on replacing all of them sooner rather than later (even if you cannot afford to do it right away). Getting a stainless steel oven but leaving your other appliances will make your kitchen look disjointed and negate the benefits of a remodel. If you are remodeling with plans to sell, budget for new appliances. No homeowner wants to move into a place that says, “I need work.”


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